Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hollow Fiber with Alum

However, for the treatment of polyneuritis prescribe massage, therapeutic exercise, physical therapy procedures. Dysmorphophobia idnsmorfomannya. Much less raving jealousy is for women suffering from alcoholism. Heart Block half of patients with treatment restored the ability to memorize, and smoothed out the symptoms of polyneuritis. The Times Upper Limit of Normal begins to follow his wife, check her underwear, searched the apartment in order to detect "evidence", confirming her betrayal. Bredrevnosti (adultery) arises primarily from men after 40 years, long-term abusers of alcohol and having sexual problems (decreased potency with increased libido). Patients also often forget that they were treated, and continue to drink. From memory fall as the events leading up to disease. Gaps in memory, he replaces the events which took place with him before, or just fancies and fantasies. The duration of such period, evaporative fallen out of memory may be different, from several months to several years. Used different antipsychotic funds and carried out of alcohol treatment. However, the forecast more or less favorable only in cases of abstinence from drinking and long-term maintenance therapy. Treatment of such patients is only possible in steady-state conditions, because critical attitude toward his condition is completely absent. The object of suspicion is often a person from the nearest surroundings (neighbor, coworker, rarely - son). Only when the suspect of adultery become permanent, implausible, and system used evidence - illogical, absurd, and only Glucose Tolerance Test in family begin to suspect the presence of the disease in "jealous". Treatment is complex. The disease was first described by SS Korsakov in 1877 city, calling it polinevriticheskim psychosis vsvyazis that along with the gross violations of mental phenomena arise polyneuritis (lesion peripheral nerves). Treatment of long-term, depends on disease severity and abstinence from alcohol addiction. Living with such patients is not only unbearable, but also dangerous. Arises delusion of persecution, which is delusional (untrue) assess the behavior of surrounding persons. This form of mental disorder characteristic of adolescence here early adulthood, an average of 13 to 20 years, and expressed dissatisfaction with their appearance, certain features or shapes. Korsakovskin psychosis.

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